Flawlessly Fit(ish)


Elite Sports

New Product Review Coming Soon: Elite Sports

This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for further details. After a little time off from writing, I’m excited to be partnering with Elite Sports! Because Elite Sports was previously unfamiliar to me, I did a little research before agreeing to collaborate. Their products were all reasonably priced, but even more…

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Maximize Advocare 24 Day Jumpstart results

9 Hints to Maximize Your Advocare 24 Day Jumpstart Results

Get your new healthy lifestyle off to a great start and use these 9 super simple tips to maximize your Advocare 24 Day Jumpstart results. Advocare is a health and wellness company based in Texas that focuses on world-class nutrition and products. These products provide and support premium energy, weight-management, sports performance, and overall wellness…

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5 reasons to try putting coconut oil in your coffee

5 Reasons You Should Try Putting Coconut Oil In Your Coffee

You’ve probably heard about the benefits of coconut oil, especially if you are on the keto diet. But having someone tell you to put coconut oil in your coffee may sound less than appealing. But let me tell you, it is one of my new favorite ways to enjoy my coffee in the morning! I’m…

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active family playing outside together

25+ Fun (and cheap!) Ways to be Active as a Family

Needing some inspiration for new and fun ways to be active as a family? I love to play outside with my kids. We can do sidewalk chalk, swing on the tire swing, ride bikes, and top it all off with a popsicle every day and never get bored. But it’s always fun to try something…

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First float tank experience tips

9 Tips for a Great First Float Therapy Experience

If you’ve booked your first float therapy experience, I’m sure you’re excited and looking forward to your session, but you may also have a few questions. Even though float therapy has been around for quite some time (the mid-1950s!), it still feels pretty new and isn’t a very mainstream form of therapy in many areas….

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Cut Calories Without Counting Them

8 No-Brainer Ways to Cut Calories Without Counting Them

Calorie tracking can be an effective way to lose weight, but there are other ways to cut calories without counting them. Have you tried to lose weight by counting calories but weren’t successful? Yeah, me too. I’d do ok for a day or two, but the never-ending task of measuring and keeping track of everything…

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start a healthy lifestyle

How To Start A Healthy Lifestyle – And Stick To It!

There’s never a bad time to start a healthy lifestyle. However, in January, it seems that most everyone has a resolution to “lose weight” or “eat better.” But what happens? A few weeks go by (maybe even not that long) and most of us have already abandoned our goal. Why is that? Life happens. Maybe…

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The Best Fitness Tracker for Busy Moms

There are some days when it feels like I never stop moving. How about you? If only there was a way to count those kinds of mommy moments towards my weekly exercising goals…oh wait, there is! I’m sure you’ve guessed where I’m going with this by now. Let me introduce you to the best fitness…

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Healthy living for busy moms

The Ultimate Guide To Healthy Living For Busy Moms

Trying to fit exercise and healthy living into an already busy schedule can be challenging for moms. I’m in the same boat – I get it! Motherhood is a wonderful thing. A beautiful thing! But it takes a lot of time and nearly all of our energy. We work (in and out of the home),…

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mom blog influencers

Who Flawlessly Fit(ish) is for

Flawlessly Fit(ish) Was Specifically Designed for YOU – busy moms who want to take steps towards a healthier lifestyle without sacrificing hours a week away from their family with extensive exercise and meal prepping.I am tired of looking around and seeing moms want to live a healthier lifestyle, but not feeling like they have the…

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