Flawlessly Fit(ish)

for Moms

Incorporating Faith into Your Fitness Journey: A Path to Being Whole and Well

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for both physical fitness and spiritual growth can be challenging. However, integrating faith into your fitness routine can create a holistic approach to wellness that nurtures both your body and soul. Here’s how you can incorporate faith into your fitness journey and experience transformative results. 1. Start with Prayer…

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Fun places to go with your mom this summer

Budget-Friendly and Fun Places To Go With Your Mom This Summer

Having a list of fun places to go with your mom (or with your kids if you are “mom”) is something I like to keep for our free time in the summer. I’m a big believer in not over-scheduling our kids and making sure they have free time at home – even if sometimes it’s…

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Monthly Meal Plan

How to Quickly Make a Monthly Meal Plan in 5 Painless Steps

Does the thought of taking the time to make a monthly meal plan make you cringe? Me too! It used to give me anxiety, but not anymore. As we’ll see, making a monthly meal plan does not have to take hours of tedious work and scheduling. Once I give myself the time to actually sit…

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First float tank experience tips

9 Tips for a Great First Float Therapy Experience

If you’ve booked your first float therapy experience, I’m sure you’re excited and looking forward to your session, but you may also have a few questions. Even though float therapy has been around for quite some time (the mid-1950s!), it still feels pretty new and isn’t a very mainstream form of therapy in many areas….

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Budget-Friendly Momcation

15 Simple Tips For a Budget-Friendly Momcation That Actually Work!

Mama, do you need a break? Me too. And I’m not talking about a hot shower by yourself, even though that is nice. I mean a real break. Let me introduce you to a “momcation.” Even better – let’s get you scheduled for a budget-friendly momcation! A momcation doesn’t have to be extravagant, it doesn’t even have…

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The Best Fitness Tracker for Busy Moms

There are some days when it feels like I never stop moving. How about you? If only there was a way to count those kinds of mommy moments towards my weekly exercising goals…oh wait, there is! I’m sure you’ve guessed where I’m going with this by now. Let me introduce you to the best fitness…

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Healthy living for busy moms

The Ultimate Guide To Healthy Living For Busy Moms

Trying to fit exercise and healthy living into an already busy schedule can be challenging for moms. I’m in the same boat – I get it! Motherhood is a wonderful thing. A beautiful thing! But it takes a lot of time and nearly all of our energy. We work (in and out of the home),…

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Balancing motherhood and fitness

5 Amazing Mom Bloggers You Need to Know

How many of these incredible people do you know? I’m going to share just a few of the amazing women helping others live healthier lives. And by the end of the article, you will discover new resources for wellness and fitness tips, ways to simplify daily tasks, healthy recipes, and more! All of these blogs…

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