Flawlessly Fit(ish)

5 Things I Want To Help My Audience With

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Welcome to Flawlessly Fit(ish)!

Hi, I’m Kelcey.

My blog exists to help busy moms maintain a realistic healthy lifestyle. As a mom of two, I understand that it can be challenging to keep exercise and self-care on the “to do” list. Moms are rarely able to spend hours in the gym working out or meal prepping in the kitchen. My goal is to build a supportive community of women who want to balance enjoying a healthy lifestyle along with all of the joys of motherhood.

  1. Assist moms in taking small steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

A little can go a long way! Doing simple things like drinking more water, going on short walks with the family, and serving at least one vegetable at mealtimes are all great ways to take steps toward a healthier lifestyle.

I don’t want to totally uproot your busy schedule and priorities. I simply want to help you make small changes that will help you meet your overall health goals. Mamas, our kiddos are watching us. It’s up to us to teach them how to balance all of life’s joys and challenges, while taking care of themselves and enjoying the journey.

  1. Empower women to enjoy motherhood while still caring for themselves.

Becoming a mother changes your body, heart, and mind. Let’s encourage each other to take care of ourselves and live healthy lifestyles, but to not compare and wish that we looked like so-and-so. “Fit-ish” also means that sometimes, you’re going to go through the drive-thru for dinner. Serve them chicken nuggets for dinner! It is going to be OK. With young children at home, eating perfectly portioned and balanced meals is just not on the top of my priority list. I want to do my best, but not stress to the point that I can’t enjoy pizza night or feel guilty serving up Hamburger Helper for dinner (which is actually one of their favorites, haha!).

To me, being “fit-ish” is accepting the fact that you may never look like a fitness model or make all of your fitness dreams a reality…at least not right now. Right now, we have babies to raise and families to enjoy.

  1. Provide fitness and workout tips, tricks, and motivation.

Whether you work in or out of the home (or a combination of both *cough cough Covid*), finding time to workout can be challenging! When I worked full-time, I couldn’t bare to take even more time away from my family to go to the gym. So, I picked up jogging with a stroller! Now that I am a stay-at-home mom, I’ve made certain mornings of the week my “workout days” and let my kids enjoy meeting new friends and playing at the Y.

I want to be a resource for busy moms to find workout ideas, tips on how to stay fit with young children, and inspiration for those days when you really just “don’t want to.”

Indoor cycling is my absolute most-favorite workout, and you’re probably going to see a lot about it! I can’t get enough of it! I’ve been teaching an indoor cycling class at our local gym off and on for the past 6 years and still love it as much as I did at the beginning. Right now, I teach two nights a week and enjoy pushing my students to be stronger and have more endurance than they ever thought possible.

  1. Encourage and inspire with guest posts from moms to moms.

Moms are awesome! We balance careers, caring for our homes, families, and so many other things! I am inspired by so many of the women I already know and can’t wait to make new friends.

Who doesn’t love a relatable story?! I want to feature moms from different parts of the world on how they balance taking care of themselves with the responsibility and joy of parenting.

  1. Write a weekly post to help moms on their journey.

Honestly, this one intimidates me a little bit, but in order to be the best resource possible, I feel like it’s necessary! I want to publish a weekly post that will encourage, inspire, motivate, and build a fit(ish) community of women!

We can do this – together!


Mama, we’ve got to give ourselves some grace. Labeling ourselves as fit(ish) is about trying to make fitness and healthy choices a part of our busy lifestyle, but being comfortable and confident in the skin we’re in! You are doing the most important work of all by raising your family. Flawlessly Fit(ish) is here to help you balance it all in easy and realistic ways.

And by the way, you are already flawless – you were created in the image of the living God!

Thanks for reading! I’m glad you’re here.